New Wallpaper in My Apartment

I can’t decide what I’m more excited about — Celts/Lakers finals — or the new wallpaper (pictured above) that now takes up a whole wall in my living room!

The very instant my girlfriend and I saw this photo, we knew exactly what we wanted to do with it — it was just a matter of finding a company that could blow the picture up to 9′ x 17′. After looking around for a few days, we found a great place that charged us a minimal fee to enlarge the masterpiece.

Why put up the wallpaper? It makes us think of romance and puts us in the mood. You wouldn’t believe the level of physical intimacy we’re achieving! It makes us think of the Patriots and how preparation and hard work decides who succeeds and who doesn’t. It makes us think about the Celtics and redemption and the second chances that life provides us. But more than anything, it makes us take notice of the decency that enriches our lives on a daily basis!

Rocking On is Totally Decent!

One of the most decent things about hanging out with other people is having the opportunity to tell them to ‘rock on’ by making the ‘rock on’ sign with your hand. If I had a penny for every time this little hand gesture came up big, I’d surely by rolling in some serious cash!

This ‘rock on’ signal can mean so many decent things, inlcuding:

  • “This is a killer jam!”
  • “Hey, how’s it going?”
  • “You rule dude!”
  • “Bro, I totally agree with that!”
  • “Check out the bazookas on that chick!”
  • “What’s the deal with that my brother?”
  • “Dude, relax, I’m chillin out.”
  • “Baby, I so want your bod!”
  • “The list goes on…”

The ‘rock on’ symbol is a symbol of decency, so, as you can imagine, it can be used in just about any situation to brighten the mood, to ensure others that you’ve got their back, and to just let others know that no matter what may be going down, you’re on decency’s side.